SEO | Southampton
Search Engine Optimisation boils down to a few key things.
1. Optimised Website Page Titles should explain what you do.
2. Website keywords should be researched regularly to pick the best.
3. Optimised Website content should talk about what you do and reuse the SEO keywords.
4. Ensure your Search Engine Optimization activities include the design of SEO landing pages to attract particular visitor types.
5. Keep your web site's content fresh and dynamic to maximise optimisation.
6. Use bold text and headings to emphasise certain words to improve optimisation.
7. Submit your website to online directories and search engines.
8. Review the condition of your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) regularly.
Thats it! Search Engine Optimisation made easy!
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1. Optimised page titles
A website page title is the text that appears right at the top of your browser. Often people just put the name of their website or company name there. But Search Engines use it to figure out what the page is all about. So to optimise your website make sure it describes what each page is all about.
2. Pick the best keywords
Each webpage has an area where you enter the Keywords during the design. A Keyword is a word which represents what is on that page. However, don't just say "Product X" say "Great deals on Product X" or "Fast delivery on Product X".
You can find out what are the best Keywords by using various tools.
The Keyword section of a web page has fallen out of favour due to abuse by some website owners. So don't get over excited about it's use. Keep your Keyword list down to 10 or 12 words or phrases - that should be enough.
3. Optimised website content
Search Engines now largely ignore the Keywords section. But don't despair. Search Engines now use the Description section of your web site to figure out what your site is all about. So make sure that the Description section is clear and concise about what you do. Don't beat about the bush - Search Engines don't understand that. Keep it simple.
Even more importantly Search Engines look at your website text - the copy, the content. So you have to write that website copy with two audiences in mind.... a human and a machine. Machines don't really go in for flowery prose - so your website content has to be written in such a way that it is extremely clear what your site is all about. You should reuse your researched Keywords within your text. And you should use them regularly so that there is no mistake that you sell "Product X". But don't overdo it. If a Search Engine sees too many occurences of your Keywords it may think that you are up to something. So enhance your website content - don't suffocate it.
4. Landing pages
A landing page is a page on your site designed to attract a particular type of visitor. It may be a page dedicated to a particular product or it could be a page specific to a special offer or promotion.
For such pages the Title, Keywords, Description and Content should all tie together so that the Search Engines get the overwhelming evidence that the page is for "Product X".
You need landing pages to help the Search Engines direct their customers to the right part of your site straightaway. Customers will search for "Product X" by name not by your company's name - so make sure you have landing pages that make that process easy.
5. Dynamic content
Search Engines and people are alike when it comes to content on a website. If it hasn't changed in a while then why bother going back? So to keep your visitors and the Search Engines happy you need to keep the content fresh.
You can do this in a number of ways.
a. Contract with an editorial firm to supply new and interesting stories with the correct Keywords included in the copy.
b. Ask your website development company if they can do it (we will for instance).
c. Do it yourself.
6. Emphasis
Just as with a newspaper, Headings and text emphasis matters. Search Engines will look to see if a page has sections identified with Header Tags. If it does then the chances are that that page is really talking about "Product X" as a main topic - not just in passing. So use bold, italics and font size changes within your headings and styles to encourage the Search Engines.
7. Online directories and Search Engine submission
To improve your PageRank you'll need to ceate incoming links to your site. So get busy! Many online directories are free places to list your site and describe your business. This is a time consuming activity but it is necessary.
And of course make sure you submit your site and a website sitemap to the Search Engines directly. They will eventually find you even if you don't do this - but you might as well give them a helping hand.
8. Review your SEO regularly
Don't do it and forget it! Things change. Keep an eye on your website traffic and the way in which your visitors are finding you.
Or ensure your website developer keeps on top of the game for you. The Search Engines like to make their systems better - so don't get left behind. To find out how cost effective it can be to stay on top of SEO call us!